Justice for ACORN

I do ever so love being vindicated!

What most call “the Acorn scandal” is the “O’Keefe Smear Crusade” to me. This whole so-called “scandal” was all the brain-child of one sick and very likely racist individual.
To his discredit President Obama signed into law the bill that temporarily defunded ACORN.
I have remained steadfast in my stance against this propaganda promoted by the right-wing, and heavily by the far right-winger Glenn Beck.
I’ll admit it takes a few brain cells and a willingness to do more than just sound-byte a news story to understand exactly what James O’Keefe & Hannah Giles were doing in this “expose.”
But the bottom line here is that outright lies were told by O’Keefe on Sean Hannity’s show (named “Hannity” … vanity? No, Hannity) that the network refuses to clear up that directly address the credibility of all the accusations by these heartless propagandists.
Another day will decide if justice shall ever ring down on Fox News, but I wish to express that I didn’t point out some of the new revelations in a story I have taken up.
I smell justice and I like it because this age is lacking it a great many times over! Justice for ACORN means justice for America.
The removal of Senate funds based on nothing but a media-crusade was unconstitutional in nature, and I referred to it as a “war on the poor.”

Gershon ruled Congress withdrew all funding with the “absence of a trial”. She said the withdrawal would cause permanent harm to the organization. The Constitution requires “due process”, which is normally interpreted as the jurisdiction of the judicial branch, not Congress’s legislative branch.

These people still supporting this myth about ACORN truly believe that they can lie to the public and just cover it up with more lies. It is cases like these that draw the line between what is ideological differences and what is simply destructive, mindless, bigotry.
Let us not forget as well that this decision emboldens my argument that the popular figures on right-wing are standing against the very Constitution they claim to love as they fabricate reality and refuse to practice journalistic ethics.

2 thoughts on “Justice for ACORN

  1. Brilliant post about ACORN. The whole bashing of this company was done by right wing media – not as you and the court have now pointed out, by legal judicial systems – but then what do we expect after Gitmo!

    No doubt the right wing media will spin this as proof of corruption but in the end of the day they have nothing but fabricated evidence and border line racist rhetoric.

    Found you on open salon BTW and added you there and am adding you to my wordpress links.

    Brilliant blog

  2. Thank you, Emma!

    I have always tried to show that there is a difference between having opinions and just plain fabricating facts. This ACORN smear-job was a point at which nobody, and I mean nobody, gave a damn about the facts and the truth. It was, and still is to some extent, a witch hunt supported by people who have acted in a way that is highly suspicious of racialist intent.

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